Sunday 6 November 2011

Backlogged: Pokemon Blue

Gotta catch 'em all... I swear one of these days I'll actually review a game I haven't finished before...

The post I never wanted to make

I haven't really been posting that much...

There's a reason for that. Backlogged had failed.

I was a weak minded fool.

It failed back in August, five months in. After a rather stressful week at work, I was at Staples. I was actually rather surprised that they sold video games there, and I decided to browse through their discount games. I saw the usual crap. Mini game collections for the Wii, but then I did a double take. I saw a certain game on clearance, Assassins Creed 2 for the PS3, for the low price of $9.97 plus an additional 20% off. I took it, thinking that maybe it was a labeling error, but it wasn't.

I bought it, and began to buy games again.

I've thought about if I should continue Backlogged. And I decided that I should just continue reviewing games that I have in my collection. Maybe I'll actually finish some games that I haven't finished before. Well... we'll see...