Sunday, 5 February 2012

Smash 4 wishlist

A few weeks ago, Kid Icarus Uprising had gone gold in Japan (sent off to be printed on the cartridge)  That means next on Project Sora's desk is, Smash Wii U and 3DS. 

I figured I might as well make up a list of characters that I'd like to see in Smash Bros, and what I'd think that their move sets would be like, or a bunch of other random stuff that I'd like to see in the game such as items, or Pokeball Pokemon.  I think 5 per list would be a good start.

In my explanations there may be spoilers to the character's respective games.  You have been warned.

Zoroark: (Pokemon)

Following Mewtwo and Lucario's pattern of being a bipedal, humanoid Pokemon, that starred in a movie, (and in the case of Lucario, died horribly) that can use the same move set, with small differences.  I think Zoroark's power over illusion would be the major difference.  I can see it being used as a better version of Kirby's copy ability.  Using Down-B would cause Zoroark to become an exact copy the closest opponent and have access to all of the moveset.  However, to stay true to the game, and because what I'm describing is something much more powerful than Kirby's, Zoroark will lose the illusion's power upon being hit once, requiring the player to constantly dodge.

Final Smash: Illusion Hell.  I'm just thinking that Zoroark's final Smash would attack the actual players rather than the opponents.  In Pokemon, Zoroark relies on tricking the opponents using his illusion ability.  The Final Smash that I'm envisioning is much like Togepi's night shade from SSBM.  Where the screen goes black.  But maybe there could be a bunch of random effects.  Like, for instance it goes white instead, and it's a blizzard dealing damage.  Or the flipping of the screen like in the Spear Pillar stage in Brawl.  Or lulling the opponents to sleep.  Maybe if Zoroark gets the smashball while he is disguised as someone else, he could use their Final Smash...

Shulk: (Xenoblade: Chronicles)

There are so many things that I want to say about Xenoblade and Nintendo of America's treatment of it.  This is neither the time or place.  Shulk is the main protagonist of Xenoblade.  Unfortunately, due to the inability to play the game, until it's actually released in North America, I don't know very much about him, or his game.  Other than it's apparently the best JRPG of the generation.  The sword he wields, the Monando, allows him to see into the future.  A game play element that I have no idea how it could be fairly represented in the game, unless you only fight against computers, where you might be able to see their attack range as a giant circle.  Or maybe that could be on the tablet. 

Actually, how I just described that makes me think that Shulk would be a newcomer friendly character.  I hate clones as much as the next person, but... the way I'm envisioning him is best described as a lighter Ike.  Maybe stronger attacks, but knocked away a lot sooner, and doesn't have the super armor that prevents flinching on some attacks (or maybe his clairvoyance would give him super armor since he would be able to brace for the attacks).  From previews, Shulk is more of the smart guy that is normally the heroes side kick.  Speaking of side kicks, Shulk's sidekick, Reyn, might be interesting too... if only because he can have just as many meme's as Captain Falcon.

Smash Bros, is the celebration of Nintendo History, and acquiring Monolith Soft is a part of that.  No matter how many times Nintendo of America refuses to localize their games.

Final Smash: I have no idea.  Going by the track record of any sword wielder having a completely uninspired attack, and just using their sword for either a super strong attack (Marth, Meta Knight), or a bunch of little attacks, that ends with a strong strike (Link, Toon Link, Ike).  I don't see him breaking the pattern.  I can see Shulk's final as that giant laser sword from the trailers.  Or... wait, going by the trailers on the website, that is the sword... I have no idea, I'm just the player, I'm supposed to have unrealistic expectations, and complain bitterly when they aren't met.

The Masked Man/Claus: (Mother 3)

I gave you a spoiler warning up there... don't complain to me...  In SSBM, I found Zelda/Sheik to be a fun character to play as because you had two characters in one to switch at will.   Pokemon Trainer in Brawl was fun too, even though one of the three Pokemon sucked (Ivysaur).  This is what I see Claus as.  Switching between another PK Kid, and the Masked Man.  As Claus, I see the major difference between Lucas (and Ness) being the lack of PK Magnet, his Down B being what transforms him.  As his human self, Claus would be weaker than Lucas and Ness.  As The Masked Man, I can see him being a fusion of Samus (the Arm Cannon), and Meta Knight (the sword, as well as his wings/cape)

Final Smash (Claus): PK Starstorm.  Instead of flying straight down like Lucas, or outwards like Ness' I see it coming down inwards.

Final Smash (The Masked Man): One of the things that annoyed me in SSBB, was that Sheik and Zelda had the same Final Smash.  I'd want the Masked Man's to be different than Claus'.  Any Final Smashes I thought up seemed like a copy of someone else.  Summoning Pigmasks, a super attack with his sword, using his arm cannon for something like the Zero Laser.  Maybe that PK Thunder Sword Beam used in the final battle?

Isa: (Sin and Punishment: Star Successor)

Isa, the son of the heroes of the first game, Saki and Airan.  Seen in a time traveling/dream segment in the first game.  And one of the two playable characters in the second game.  He would be capable of both fighting in close and long range with his cannon sword.  The gun part would probably be like the superscope, both doing tons of small little shots, probably without the stun, so you can't keep someone trapped, or a giant shot that does more damage.

Also he is capable of doing some fist fighting, as seen in a certain boss fight. His jetpack would most likely have to be limited to only a few seconds so that he isn't completely broken and just hides underneath the stage where no one can get him.

Just hopefully, they will make his shorts longer...

Final Smash: Ruffian Transformation.  He transforms into his Ruffian form for a small time.  Becoming several sizes larger, and much stronger.  Much like Giga Bowser, he can receive damage, there would just be no knock back.

Matthew: (Golden Sun: Dark Dawn)

The son of Isaac and Jenna.  A Venus (ground) Adept, and *SIGH* another sword user.  I see his Psynergy acting as what differentiates him from the other sword users, downplaying the fact that he has a sword, and instead allows him to do several mid range attacks.  Maybe much like Ness and Lucas have their partners' PK moves, Matthew could have his partners' various Psynergy moves.

Final Smash: Judgment.  Either just summoning the monster, or transforming into him, this is what I see his Final Smash as.  If it's just a summon, one strong attack that engulfs the center of the stage.  If he transforms, well, pretty much the same as Giga Bowser.  Stronger attacks, and receiving no knock back from attacks.

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