Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Fill in the blank

Remember kids: VIZ thinks you understand words such as Curmudgeonly.  However, you still can't handle the concept of death in a Pokemon manga.  (Especially since the games have never had anything like that... Oh wait....)

Volume 12, (page 42) of Pokemon Adventures: "If we hadn't gotten saved when we did, we'd both be..."

Personally I always love when they use ellipsis, it allows me to make up my own ending to their sentence so their fate is a lot worse than if someone just simply typed in "dead".

That being said. 

Maybe I should have stopped buying Manga as well... I went in to pick up Volume 12 of Pokémon Adventures, and Volume 3 of Megaman Megamix, but came out spending $170 after taxes.

I need cheaper hobbies.

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