Saturday, 14 May 2011

Nintendo E3 Predictions

A few years ago, after seeing Joystiq's E3 Bingo cards I decided to make my own during a night shift at Tim Hortons.

I was bored during my lunch this week (due to the lack of my computer and capabilities of editing a video) so I decided to do it early this year.  I figure if I wait any longer I'll have all of the announcements spoiled so here are my guesses.

Yeah, that's my writing... I'm really sloppy... Okay, let's go through my predictions and why I think that they may or may not come true.

Smash Bros 4:  If this happens I see this either being on the 3DS, or the Wii's successor.  However, Sakurai is currently working on Kid Icarus Uprising, so unless Nintendo decided to give Smash Bros to someone else, I don't see this happening right now.  Since it's one of Nintendo's giant franchises, it's really just a question of when will this appear.

Classic Game Series Revival: I'm just thinking that after Kid Icarus last year, they might revive another of their older franchises.  Maybe Startropics?

3DS Zelda (Not Ocarina): I don't see this as too likely.  It's probably too early for a new Zelda game for the 3DS.  However since the Ocarina port was outsourced, who knows.  If anything we might get a confirmation that a new 3DS Zelda is in the works, or maybe some concept art.

Tales of... game: I just see them bringing up Tales of the Abyss during their conference.  Maybe in one of those montages.

Kid Icarus Uprising: With it's release supposedly being later this year, I can see another trailer being shown off at the least.  I don't think there will be a onstage presentation about it. 

Wave Race: I pretty much just put this here as filler because I couldn't think of anything else.  We haven't seen an entry in the series since Wave Race Blue Storm for the Gamecube.  There was that portion in Wii Sports Resort, but I'd like to see a full fledged game again.

Xenoblade: I'm remaining optimistic that this game will be announced at E3 for North America.  It was shown off a few years ago when it was called Monado: Beginning of the World.  However, being shown off at E3 doesn't guarantee a release.  Disaster Day of Crisis was shown off years ago at E3, but never came to North America.  A European voice actor put something on his personal website about the game coming to North America, but I could just as easily see that being a mistake.  I also see Nintendo of America just not saying anything because it's going to be a giant surprise.  Although, if this isn't announced, and doesn't come over to North America, I'm going to have to start some nasty rumor that Reggie's Dog was ran over by someone in Monolith Soft studios.  Because when you buy a studio, I'm pretty sure you use them to make money.

And besides, Nintendo Published Baten Kaitos: Origins for the Gamecube just two months before the Wii came out, so I think this has a chance.

Rhythm Heaven Wii: I spelled that wrong up there... I don't know how well the DS game did.  I don't think this is a simple localization either, since for the DS game they redid all of the songs so that they were in English.

Wii Successor: I spelled that wrong up there as well... Crap... Oh well.  Anyways, this one goes under the "NO DUH!" category.  It's all ready been confirmed by Nintendo to be there.  I wonder if we will see a release date similar to the 3DS, since so far everything else seems to follow the exact same pattern as the 3DS...

Custom Robo:  There hasn't been one since Arena for the DS (2006 in japan, 2007 everywhere else)... I could see one being announced for the 3DS, or the Wii's Successor. 

Pikmin 3: Miyamoto said that it was coming several E3's ago.  Maybe this will actually be the one where we see it.

Paper Mario: There is the 3DS game.  I expect to see more of it.  Possibly one is also confirmed for the Wii Successor.

Kirby (DS or Wii): I can see both Kirby games that we know about being there.  Maybe also a new one is announced for the 3DS.

F-Zero: F-Zero has been absent for quite a while.  Perhaps it would be a good game to show the power of the Wii Successor.

Endless Ocean: Much like F-Zero, I'm thinking that Endless Ocean would be a good game to show off the capabilities of the Wii's successor.

Professor Layton: We're two games behind in the series.  1 for the DS, and one for the 3DS.  The last two years Nintendo has shown them off at E3, and then they have been released in September.  I don't think this year would be any different unless that London Life RPG included in the fourth Professor Layton game holds back the translation.

Dragon Quest X: All we know is that it's for the Wii.  I'm hoping to see something.  Possibly a logo.  Maybe a trailer.

The Last Story: I hope this comes out... I hope this comes out.  I'm thinking that much like Xenoblade, Nintendo of America is just waiting to announce it.

1080 Snowboarding: I spelled that wrong on the sheet also... And I don't know how to do the degrees sign on the keyboard... Anyways, like Wave Race, this is also a filler spot.

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword: Supposedly coming out later this year.  I don't think Miyamoto will demo it again after what happened last year.  We will probably see another trailer, and get a release date.

Pandora's Tower: Was revealed earlier in the year.  Hopefully, it will come to North America.  It's an action game.

Starfox: Probably just going to be Starfox 64 3D.  I'd also like to think that much like F-Zero and Endless Ocean up above, a new starfox could demonstrate the power of the Wii Successor.

New IP: I think we might be getting another new IP besides Pandora's Tower. 

Mario game that isn't Mario Kart 3DS or Super Mario 3D, or Paper Mario: Maybe a 2D Mario?  Or a glimpse of what the 3D Mario will be on the Wii Successor.  Probably going to be another sports game as well.

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