Sunday, 3 July 2011

Insert title here

It's a post of what was played during the week.  The list of games after the break.
Golden Sun: Dark Dawn: (DS) I beat it this week while camping.  I honestly didn't think that was at the ending.  I knew it was going to end on a cliffhanger, I just didn't expect it to be that.  It seemed to me like there was still so much ground to cover.  The Psynergy Vortexs that were mostly forgotten about, and now the new Dark and Light Psynergy.  I'm guessing there will be at least two more games.  Although I did laugh at the scene where Matthew symbol swears.  Matthew for Smash 4?  Isaac was an Assist Trophy in Brawl...

Final Fantasy IV: (DS) Really just started playing it.  Got past the Mist Dragon.

Glory of Heracles: (DS) I have no idea where I am.  I think I just got off of the Trojan Horse.

Super Smash Bros Brawl: (Wii) I hate Assist Trophies.  I was recording some footage, and needed Saki to show up.  10 minutes of recording later, he showed up.  I didn't even know there could only be one Assist Trophy at a time until now!  I'm hoping that in future games, there could be a toggle for who is summoned by Assist Trophies or Pokeballs.

Dokapon Kingdom: (Wii) If you've never heard of this game, think of it as Mario Party meets Dragon Quest meets Monopoly.  (Coincidentally, I have no idea what Fortune Street is like... which will probably be described as the exact same thing...)  It's like a Board Game RPG where you defeat monsters to gain land.  I was playing it with my sister and one of her friends.  I came in rather late, so the were all ready at level 11, while I took over a computer player who was only level 7... And I proceeded to die, die, and die some more. 

Blazblue: Calamity Trigger: (PS3) I just played a quick round.  Geeze, I use the second analog stick like I use the C-Stick in Smash Bros.  A lot.

Demon's Souls (PS3): My experience can be summed up as such: I died, died, and died some more.  Its difficult, and I love every second of it.

Super Mario Bros. 3 (Virtual Console):  I just played a few levels, and boy this game is timeless.

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