First and foremost, there is the decision to go with Blip. There are a few reasons why I'm going to Blip.
I'm hoping that I can be motivated to stick to a schedule with this. And while hoping that I can make this into a full time job that is probably a bit too optimistic, but I'd be lying if I said that the money wasn't appealing.
The bottom line is: these videos take up a lot of my free time. I would like a bit of compensation for them.
Also, the other reason is this has become rather expensive. The laptop I used to use for making the videos succumbed to age. The hard drive was in the process of melting, it was overheating, and doing anything on the computer took forever. I spent a lot of money on a new laptop, and new editing software. It would actually be nice to make some money off of them.
At the current moment I have no plans to put the Youtube videos on Blip. In the event that my Youtube account is shut down I will. But to be honest, I really don't like them. There is so much that I want to do different now. But I'd rather just move ahead instead of going back and trying to perfect videos. I still plan on putting the videos up on Youtube, however I will upload it a week after it's on Blip.
So, up next is the Zelda Magna. My current plan is basically:
- Ocarina of Time Volume 1
- Ocarina of Time Volume 2
- Majora's Mask
- Another Backlogged
- Another Backlogged
- Another Backlogged
Eventually I hope my schedule becomes something like this:
- Backlogged: Virtual Console/Wiiware (alternating between the two)
- Manga Review
- Backlogged: GameCube game
- Backlogged: Wii game
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