Monday, 6 June 2011

Fear my indifference

I've been watching most of the E3 press conferences.  I'm feeling severely underwhelmed so far.

*Checks for 3DS update* still not here... Okay I'm watching that OK Go Video one last time...

*Checks for 3DS update again* Still not here...

These are just my meaningless impressions and thoughts on what I'm looking forwards to seeing.


I saw nothing that would convince me to buy a system.  I all ready have Minecraft on PC, and while I like it, I'm not buying it again, let alone another system just for it.

For some stupid reason I was absolutely surprised that they were making another Halo.  I really should have seen that coming.


I haven't played Mass Effect 1 or 2.  Maybe Mass Effect 3 would mean something if I did.  Although I'm now interested in the franchise.  So, maybe I'll pick up Mass Effect 2 on the PS3.  And Mass Effect on the PC when I start buying games again.

I'm also beginning a petition that Need for Speed The Run should be renamed "Need for Speed: Quick Time Events", because that's pretty much all I saw.

The only other thing that popped out at me was SSX.  I'll be keeping my eyes on it.


Rayman Origins: Multiplayer, 2D platforming and it looks gorgeous.  I need this game now.

Rabbids: Finally they are off the Wii.  Good riddance.  I am sick of those rodents.  It doesn't look that good.  Maybe it was just what they showed, or maybe its because I'm sick of them and they seriously need to die in a fire.


Uncharted 3 Drakes Deception: I have the second one on my shelf, it came with the PS3, and I have yet to play it.  So... Maybe I'll do that tomorrow...

Team ico collection: I've heard great things about ico and Shadow of the Colossus.  And I never could find them when I was looking for PS2 games.  So, I'll definitely pick this up when I start buying games again.

inFamous 2: I'm still playing through the first one.  And I'm really enjoying it.  Here's another game to add to the to buy list, for when I'm buying games again.

Bioshock Infinite: Playing through the first one right now, and have the second one on my shelf.  Definitely will be buying when I buy games again.

PSVita: For $249.99, this sounds really good.  The games that they showed off didn't interest me, but Sony said they had 80+ games, so maybe there is a game out there that will interest me, and maybe down the line I'll pick one up.  What I was interested in was the cross platform saving, and cross platform playing.  It will be interesting to see how Nintendo reacts to this.   Can't say I'm too happy right now since I'm still waiting for that update on the 3DS... I think it might be time for a price drop...

So there are my completely pointless and worthless thoughts at what was shown. 

So far, I'm looking forwards to 7 games.  For me the Sony press conference was the best part of the day.  Although I'm slightly disappointed that there hasn't been anything Meme worthy yet.

Back to seeing if that 3DS update was actually put up yet...

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