Well... First things first... My Nintendo E3 Press Conference Bingo!
Okay, so that was the results of my predictions. Not really very accurate...
Smash Bros: Not just 1 announced, but 2. One for the 3DS and 1 for the Wii U. I'm excited. I might post a fanboyish list of characters that I want in. (Here is my top 10: Claus, Claus, Claus, Claus, Claus, Claus, Claus, Claus, Claus, Claus!)
3DS Zelda (Not Ocarina): I probably could have crossed this one off. But they said that 4 Swords was for DSi. (It will be for both, but I was looking for a whole new Zelda game) Also will that 4 Swords be a port of the original? Well at least it's free.
Kid Icarus Uprising: Pit's voice is different from last year. And a new character?
Wii Successor: The Wii U, and I have so many questions... The first of them is I hope that thing is comfortable...
Skyward Sword: Not much was shown... Will have to wait for the trailer to be uploaded online to see it again since whoever was operating the camera was being really stupid, and constantly zooming away from the screen instead of having a direct feed. I like that golden controller.
StarFox: Well... That's an interesting use of the camera. Why do I get the feeling that there will be some vulgar images if someone loses.
Mario game that isn't Mario Kart 3DS Or Super Mario 3d (or Paper Mario): There was Luigi's Mansion 2... but I was looking for a new Mario game staring Mario...
Edit: Well, there I go completely forgetting about New Super Mario Bros. Mii on the Wii U. Boy I'm an idiot. That's another circle I can put on there.
Here's hoping that there is some more stuff on the show floor... And geeze, we got through several press conferences with out anything memetastic....
Edit 2: I figured I should mention the other squares.
As confirmed at the developer's roundtable Pikmin 3 will be on the Wii U.
Professor Layton and the Last Specter was actually on the screen with a bunch of logos. So I got at least a diagonal.
Same with Rhythm Heaven Wii, and Paper Mario.
Edit 3: Pandora's Tower, Xenoblade, and The Last Story "nothing to announce"
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